
Should I Consider Dental Implants?

Should I Consider Dental Implants?

Wondering what dental implants could do for those gaps in your smile?

Dealing with tooth loss just got a whole lot easier thanks to dental implants. Our West Harford, CT, dentists at Comprehensive Dental Care understand the importance of getting a false tooth that is as close to the real thing as possible, and dental implants offer just that. Every year, millions of implants are placed in the US alone, providing patients with renewed confidence in the health, appearance, and strength of their smiles.

Low Maintenance

When it comes to getting a tooth replaced, we know one of the biggest factors that play into our patients’ decision-making is the upkeep associated with the restoration. Some restorations require special tools or products in order to keep them clean and healthy, but dental implants don’t. They can simply be brushed, flossed, and cared for just like your natural teeth.

Permanent Solution

Another reason that brings people to our West Hartford, CT, dentists’ office for implants is that this is the only lifelong solution to replacing missing teeth. This restoration integrates with natural tissue and bone to become a permanent structure within the mouth, just like the rest of your teeth. With the proper care, many of our patients keep their implants for the rest of their lives.

Prevent Premature Aging

Most people don’t realize that all of their teeth work together to provide support for the muscles of the face. So, when one or more teeth are extracted or fall out, this means that the muscles of the face are no longer receiving the support they need. As the face begins to change shape, this also leads to sagging skin, wrinkles, and sunken cheeks. By getting a dental implant within the first year of tooth loss you can prevent this from happening.

Preserve the Jawbone

Losing a tooth also has a major impact on the health of your jawbone. The only way to prevent significant bone deterioration is to place a dental implant as soon as possible after tooth loss. The implant will take the place of the missing tooth roots, providing the bone with the exact stimulation that it gets from the remaining tooth roots. This stimulation helps the bone produce new bone cells, preventing them from breaking down.

Don’t let tooth loss ruin your health and appearance. Dental implants can give you back that confident smile. To find out if you’re an ideal candidate for this popular tooth replacement, simply call our West Harford, CT, restorative dentists at (860) 233-7514 to book a consultation.