
Are You Interested in Teeth Whitening?

Are You Interested in Teeth Whitening?

You might be wondering "Is there a dentist near me that can whiten my teeth?" If you're in West Hartford, Connecticut, the answer is yes! At Comprehensive Dental Care, our dental team is happy to offer professional whitening as part of their treatment Below are some frequently asked questions about teeth whitening.

How do teeth become stained?

Foods that contain tomato sauce, berries, curry, or soy sauce, as well as drinks like red wine, coffee, and tea are all notorious for causing stains. Tiny particles that make up these substances become embedded in the enamel of the teeth, building up over time until the teeth become discolored.

How does teeth whitening work?

A peroxide-based gel is applied to the surface of the teeth, which causes a chemical reaction between the ingredients of the gel and the bacteria in the mouth. The bubbles that form from this reaction break up the trapped stain particles and dispels them, where they can easily be rinsed away. A professional teeth whitening session can be finished in less than an hour.

Why should I choose professional teeth whitening?

There are dozens of whitening products available to purchase from your local grocery store or pharmacy, each promising a brighter smile. While these products do contain the same ingredients used by our West Hartford dentist, they are much less potent, which means a longer wait for less remarkable results. These over-the-counter products are often messy and unpredictable, and the chemicals can lead to uncomfortable lesions if they come into contact with the gum tissue. When you visit Comprehensive Dental Care, however, you'll be treated to a whitening session from a trained professional, using the highest-quality products that deliver the best possible results.

Comprehensive Dental Care is your one-stop-shop for dentistry procedures. If you're near West Hartford, Connecticut, contact our office at (860) 233-7514 to schedule an appointment.